Special & Contested Situations Consultants & Liaisons
We are now in an age in which we call the lawyer before we call the doctor, the insurance company, the human resources department, or even customer service for the third time. We e-mail, text, fax or review on social media. We have forgotten how to actually talk to each other. The old way is the adversarial approach. Us against them. Call in the lawyers. Win-Lose or Lose-Lose settlements.
The new effective way is solution focused, win-win-win strategies through diplomatic, collaborative negotiations and resolutions .........
We, at Da Vincente, are your answer to maintaining good working relationships while issues are being resolved, in real time or post project.Our team of analysts, consultants and liaisons, at Da Vincente, work with all stakeholders to quickly resolve issues with the least amount of work interruption and delay costs.
As your liaisons, we are diplomatic and collaborative, not adversarial. We believe in the power of playing nice to build relationships and cobble together WIN-WIN-WIN, the Triple Win, resolutions.
The Triple Win: The complainant wins. The respondent wins. And the problem is resolved, a win.The magic of "People talking to People". . . . . . Let's talk.
Before you call the lawyer...... call us!! DA VINCENTE & LOMBARDI